Start Your Engines!

I discovered something new a few weeks ago, and it led to a fantastic day. Regardless of where we’re travelling, we have always found it invaluable to pay attention to community advertising in order to discover local hidden gems, and the Yukon is no exception. The City of Whitehorse has done a great job of displaying poster stations on light poles in the downtown core, and many local businesses, like coffee shops, also have free advertising boards for people wanting to get the word out on things like community events, art exhibits, and local plays.

My local go-to notice board

While grabbing a coffee at Starbucks, my wife snapped a picture of an upcoming snowmobile event that turned me on to a local resource that I didn’t realize existed. The Yukon Wildlife Branch of the Yukon Government was advertising a snowmobile event for anyone who was interested to head out and view Caribou at Coal Lake, towards Ibex Valley; not far from the local ski hill in town at Mt. Sima. It took all of about two-seconds to decide this was right up my alley, and after giving a heads up to my good friend, we shot the organizer a text and confirmed our attendance.

Checking out the views

The organizer sent us the coordinates of where to meet, and the plan was to spend the day on the trail looking for Caribou, with stops along the way to talk about conservation work being undertaken by the Wildlife department, and also provide some trail and wildlife etiquette for snowmobile users when we head out on our own. This was a great opportunity to checkout some areas we had never snowmobiled, meet some new people, and venture out in larger group, reducing the risks should anything go wrong.

Meeting up and getting ready.

We got an early start to meet up with the group; we were fortunate that the starting point was only about a half hour ride from our neighbourhood, so we were able to get our machines warmed up along the way. I had coaxed my teenage son to join us for the day, and I’m sure he immediately regretted it. It was -25 C when we headed out at 0730 in the morning, and the cold, coupled with the early start left him cursing me for several hours I’m sure; but I’m equally sure the experience of riding through such spectacular wilderness and getting to spend some driving time on the sled will leave him with fond memories…eventually. Yes, they likely have a video game or 3D program that can replicate this type of scenery in the comfort of your home, but nothing burns the real life experience into your memory like fresh air and bone chilling temperatures.

Trent and Jason waiting for everyone to arrive

For me, this is heaven. There is something awe inspiring about the vastness of the Territory, the beautiful loneliness of snow swept hills, and the silence that falls over the terrain that allows the swooping sounds of ravens to echo as they fly overhead. I’m going to let the pictures in this blog speak for themselves, because words cannot give justice to the spectacular views the back country has to offer.

View towards Coal Lake

What makes this such a great blog topic is the discovery of this great resource. Although we found this event from a poster put up by Yukon Wildlife, I learned they have a facebook page called Yukon Wildlife Viewing, and they provide free events throughout the year to anyone who is interested in attending. I found this event well organized, the information very enlightening, and the group leaders were well prepared for any eventuality; I have no doubt this would be the case on any events they were offering. I also think they are providing an invaluable resource to the public. Through these events they are helping educate people on how to move through wildlife habitats in a more respectful and responsible way, and they are helping to raise awareness about the environment we’re living in, and all of the creatures who call it home. If you are looking for things to do in the Territory, this facebook page is a great resources for ideas and upcoming events.

View towards Ibex Valley

The big question you are probably asking is what if I don’t have a snowmobile. No problem; a quick google search will list a number of local companies who rent, and deliver, snowmobiles; and if you’re interested in something less adventurous, or don’t have a lot of experience, there is also a number of local companies who can take you on guided tours commensurate with your comfort and experience level.

Heading back

The obvious question is where are the pictures of all the caribou we saw? Well, you’re looking at them. We got totally skunked when it came to spotting any. There were lot’s of tracks, so you know they’re there, but I can’t help but think a half dozen snow machines moving across the alpine might have given them a heads up we were near. For me, that wasn’t the point of going, I’ve seen my share of caribou, and the enjoyment of being out in the backcountry with good friends and family is more than enough to satisfy me; wildlife would be a bonus to an otherwise great day.

My good friend Jason and me

Many thanks to Carrie and her team with Yukon Wildlife who made this day possible, and for all the great information they provided along the way. This branch of the government is providing a great service to the public, and if you’re ever in the Yukon, take a moment to look up their facebook page and see if they are are hosting any local events that you can take advantage of; in the mean time, keep checking the community boards, they are a great way to get involved in the community no matter where your travels are taking you.

Great to see some dog teams

Check out this quick video heading through the alpine.  Onwards

Welcome to the Yukon!

I’ve really enjoyed blogging for the past year on my travels, and sharing our overseas adventures with you. As you know, Whitehorse, Yukon is where I call home; and when I started this blog, in my first entry entitled Hello World, I promised to start sharing my experiences with you of living and travelling in the Yukon, Alaska, and all points north. I’m looking forward to showcasing what I think is one of the greatest places on earth, and hopefully, inspire you to check it out!

Dawson City from the “Dome”

The Yukon is captivating. The awe inspiring beauty, pristine wilderness, and abundant wildlife, makes it a natural wonder, still relatively undistributed by human development.  Through my blog,  I look forward to eventually sharing all of the communities in the Yukon with you.

Nares Mountain near Carcross, Yukon

Before I start profiling communities and events, I think it’s important to draw your attention to the obvious…the weather.  Although there are four seasons in the Yukon, you can break that down to two important seasonal descriptors; snow or no snow. Each of the seasons have their appeals, but to truly experience the north you need to see it with and without snow.

S.S. Kondike in Whitehorse

Personally, my favourite time of year in the Yukon is late summer, early fall; right when the leaves are turning colour, the air has the faint hint of chill, and you start to see a light dusting of snow on the highest peaks. It’s also the perfect time of year to harvest low bush cranberries from the surrounding hills, and you start getting excited for winters first snowfall while somehow forgetting how much you anxiously anticipated summer during the last spring melt. You’ll find that most northerners have a healthy, yet dysfunctional, love-hate relationship with the weather.

“The smallest desert in the world” – Carcross Desert

What’s most important is that each season brings with it unique seasonal experiences; like hiking, canoeing and camping in the summer, as opposed to snowmobiling, skiing and northern lights viewing in the winter. To truly experience all the Territory has to offer, you also need to explore beyond Whitehorse; although it’s a fantastic town, there is so much to see and do the further you venture out.

Paddle Wheeler on the Yukon River

Lastly, one of the most appealing aspects of the Yukon, is its people. The Yukon is a mosaic of uniqueness, and you’ll find that you are free to be who you want to be without feeling the need to conform or fit in. In fact, the Yukon has a phrase that takes pride in this fact, “The Colourful Five Percent”. Yukoner’s proudly celebrate the eccentric and eclectic, which is one of the things that makes the community so culturally diverse. I would also be remiss if I didn’t specifically mention First Nations. The Yukon is home to culturally rich and vibrant first nations groups throughout the territory. To experience their cultural and learn about their history, many communities have culture centres that contain wonderful exhibits and artifacts, that are absolutely worth the time to visit.

Bundled for the weather – “cold and colourful”

I am very excited to be sharing my home with you….I hope my blogging describes this wonderful place in the manner it deserves, and I hope to convince you that if there is one place on earth you need to visit, the Yukon should be on the top of that list.